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Image discussing the transition from 457 visa to 187 or 186 permanent residency visas.

The recently announced 457 changes have spilled into the transition to permanent residency program. Current 457 visa holders can transition onto a 186 or 187 permanent visa after two years at their place of employment.

The transition pathway from a 457 visa to permanent residency has been a popular route for migrants hoping to make a life in Australia.

English Requirement

Currently, the language requirement for direct entry into the 187 RSMS visa is competent level English (IELTS level 6). Transition candidates from the 457 program have had the advantage of only needing a vocational English score (IELTS level 5) before moving onto the permanent visa.

However, on 1 July 2017, the English requirement for the 457 transition scheme will be increased to a competent level (IELTS level 6). This will keep the language component in line with the direct entry standard.

Some consolation can be found in the age requirement for the 457 transition to permanent residency remaining at 50. From July 1st 2017, direct entrants to 186 and 187 permanent visas will have an age restriction of 45.

High-resolution image of a clock.

Begin Transition As Soon as Possible

Current 457 holders who are concerned about their English levels are encouraged to begin the transition to permanent residency before the July 1st deadline. We have a team of experienced agents who can manage your transition to permanent residency, contact us today to get the process started.